“...for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, to love and to cherish, till death us do part.” “I do.” But do you, really? Most women begin planning their dream wedding as young girls. What if we as women prepared and planned how to be a wife, and young men prepared to be husbands? Marriage is often taken lightly, often undervalued, and most often underestimated. The vows taken at the altar are more than a few seconds of your life, they are a promise you make for the rest of your life. Will you pray through the “worse”, stay through the “poorer”, or stray during “sickness”? Will you always choose your spouse and your marriage over anyone and anything, including family? It’s easy to say “yes” when you’re in love and bliss, but will you still say “yes” when the tables turn? The marriage you committed to, the spouse you committed to love, protect, honor, and respect has 𝑛𝑜 𝑤𝑎𝑦 𝑜𝑢𝑡. In No Way Out, the author intimately and vulnerably shares the intense journey of how God took a marriage that He called to be from what looked unsalvageable and turned it into beauty for ashes. With a surprise anecdote from her husband, together they reveal what led to a renewed and restored marriage and inner healing; exemplifying the covenant that God created marriage to be. Are you ready for “I do”? Would you say “I do” again? Once you do, know there is No Way Out. Matthew 19:3-12